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5 Trends for Ecommerce for 2021

Today, you are ready to co- create resonance with your clients. A fun, lightning fast way to tap in, tune in, tap in and turn on revenue for your business.

YOU. Are ready to resonate with your customers. #rezon8. YOU. Visions to Reality!

We live in a digital world. Ecommerce is now more important than ever.

According to Shopify in The Future of Ecommerce Report 2021, a 67 page insightful and inspiring report, the pandemic has left an enduring mark on the consumer landscape. Years of change have happened in weeks: Offline spending shifted online. Products rarely bought online are now ecommerce staples. And immediacy, convenience, and speed are top consumer demands.

"Ecommerce is at an all-time high. Lockdowns, travel bans, and retail closures forced the consumer online, and the world’s largest retailers soon followed, in some cases selling direct to consumer (DTC) for the first time. But not all ecommerce newcomers had the infrastructure in place to deliver a world-class customer experience," says the report.

Further, the report goes on to reveal, "One way DTC brands are standing out in a crowded ecommerce space is through automated shipping and fulfillment. Orders must have fast, free, and sustainable shipping. And the unboxing video phenomenon has caused DTC companies to invest in custom branded packaging. To better compete with marketplaces and retail giants, brands are also investing in richer, more personalized experiences. Humanizing their brand also aids in customer retention, now a top priority as acquisition costs rise, along with uncertainty in digital advertising."

Trend #1: Ecommerce has fueled tremendous competition.

As countries locked down and retailers were forced to close, ecommerce reached an all-time high of 16.4% of total global retail sales. It’s not just Gen Z and millennials driving this trend—older shoppers have also moved online. According to a global survey across 11 markets by Shopify, 84% of consumers shopped online during the pandemic.

McKinsey reports 10 years of eCommerce growth in 3 months. I love the way their report begins, "If you’re If you’re feeling whiplash, it might be the ten years forward we just jumped in 90 days’ time. whiplash, it might be the ten years forward we just jumped in 90 days’ time."

Trend #2: Brands build creative new digital experiences to unlock the future of retail.

Never has the consumer expected more of businesses. Shoppers want to buy online and they also expect it to be smooth with the experience and delivery.

Consumer surveys reveal that these shifts are here to stay. "Of the 75% of consumers who say they tried different online brands during the pandemic, 60% expect to integrate the new brands and stores into their post-COVID lives. Other shifts that took hold during stay-at-home orders are also expected to persist, including shopping online, using mobile payments, and video calling and conferencing," says the Shopify report. “You’re not going to see a full rollback when it comes to ecommerce penetration,” says Hana Abaza, Shopify Plus’ global director of marketing. “Some people will actually shift into buying certain things online, and they’ll keep doing it.”

Make it easy and fast to buy from mobile devices.

What you should do in 2021? Make it fast and easy to buy from you anywhere. Start by making sure your customers can do business with you wherever they like by upgrading your checkout experience. What is the most first moment of truth? The checkout experience. The faster and easier you make it to check out, the more money you can make.

How can you make the process easy? We will see many buy now and pay installment options.

Trend #4: Live online shopping

While more popular in China, livestream shopping events in the U.S. are expected to generate $25 billion by 2023, as Amazon and Facebook test live sales platforms. Levi’s and Tommy Hilfiger are livestreaming shopping events similar to QVC. Viewers can chat with hosts and stylists, then click on items for purchase. Convert physical experiences into virtual ones

Trend #5: Allow your customers to tune into your lab, factory, test kitchen or office.

A customer will understand your services or brand better by giving them a virtual tour. Take them for a sneak peak behind the scenes. Virtual reality 360 tours will be a huge favorite and opportunity for videographers.

Want to know more about how your business can make the biggest deal ever in 2021? Stay tuned In to our upcoming 5 minute Spark webisodes where we discuss the 2021 Trends in Marketing Strategy for businesses to resonate revenue. #rezon8.

Follow us on Instagram @theandreagroup.

What else is in store for 2021? Well, who can know. We do know YOU are ready to tune in, tap in and turn on these key components for your business brand identity strategy to increase your revenue.

We know YOU are ready to resonate with your customers.

The Andrea Group agile network brand design pod and internet marketing services pod are ready to turn on 20% more revenue for 2021. YOU. Visions to Reality!


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