Spend some much needed time away from your office or home relaxing in our conference room.
TuneIn, tap in and turn on revenue for your business while we discuss strategies for your marketing, brand identity and social media overlooking beautiful Columbus, Ohio in the Short North.
Did you know that the short north is named that because it is north of downtown and short of campus? Plenty of amazing places to mask up and enjoy brunch or dinner after our strategy session. The short north is the heart of it all arts plus Columbus! How will you grow brand awareness for your local business in January to spark revenue?
Calling our loyal followers! We need your help. We have to decide which business in #shortnorthartsdistrict @shortnorthartsdistrict we will sponsor in January with a complimentary video ad campaign for their social media. It’s a toss-up among our team. Which would you recommend? Leave a comment and let us know your choice! . . . #shorthnorthartsdistrict#asseenincolumbus #614 #614forall #columbusohio #onlyincbus #614artists #artmakescbus #exploreohio #myohioadventure #eat614 #beautifulohio #614magazine #digitalmarketing #letsroamohio #socialmediastrategy